Ireland EU online store

Man-Over-Board Dahn Buoys

Man-Over-Board Dahn Buoys

  • Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy 2 Mounting Fixing Clip

    Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy 2 Mounting Fixing Clip


    Current Stock: 0
    Set of 2 Plastimo Rail Mount  Fixing Clips for IOR Dan Buoy bracket - Fits easily on Ø 18.5 to 25.5 mm pushpits or backstays. Features Easy, quick and neat installation Fits easily on rails Ø 18.5 to 25.5 mm No drilling required...
  • Plastimo Rigid IOR Dan Buoy Inshore

    Plastimo Rigid IOR Inshore Dan Buoy


    Current Stock: 1
    Platimo's fixed IOR Dan Buoy is the essential accessory for a safe cruise. Provides high visibilty,location marking and helps uncover the blind spots created by wave dips Mount in the area of the vessel's stern quartes for rapid deployment. Key...
  • Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy Spare Flag

    Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy Spare Flag


    Current Stock: 1
    Replacement Flag for your Plastimo Dan Buoys  Keep your flag in fresh condition for better visibility, if deployed. Features Spare flag for Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy Red and Yellow Flag: 450 mm x 350 mm
  • Fixed Light Kit for Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy plastimo-danbuoy-fixed-light-kit-16205

    Fixed Light Kit for Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy


    Current Stock: 9
    This Plastimo Fixed Light Kit provides illumination to the Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy. The light gives essential functionality to the Dan Buoy for night and low light conditions and is fitted 2.3m above the waterline giving better visibility in...
  • Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy Holder-  Stainless Steel Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy Holder

    Rail Mount Holder for Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy


    Current Stock: 6
    Manufactured in 316 Stainless, this bracket allows you to rail mount your Plastimo IOR Dan Buoys on the stern, ready for immediate deployment in time of need. In an MOB situation, time is of the essence and this will bracket ill ensure the Dan Buoy is in...
  • ISAF-ORC compliant
    Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy - Orange Float

    Plastimo Telescopic IOR Dan Buoy - Orange Float


    Current Stock: 3
    The Plastimo Telescopic Dan Buoy is a popular and trusted product and qualifies as the regulatory safety requirement for ISAF and IOR Races. Mount on the stern for rapid deployment The Dan Buoy is telescopic making it handy for stowage when not in use...
  • ISAF-ORC compliant
    Plastimo Inflatable IOR Dan Buoy - Roost deploy Plastimo Inflatable IOR Dan Buoy - White Container

    Plastimo Inflatable IOR Dan Buoy


    Current Stock:
    €300.95 - €301.95
    The Plastimo Inflatable IOR Dan Buoy has two key features. First it is compact and can be rail or bulkhead mounted to leave the area free of hindrance - This makes it ideal for Power Craft where the smart, ergonomic canister blends with the more...
    €300.95 - €301.95