Ireland EU online store

Flare Kits

Flare Kits

  • Ireland shipping only
    Pains Wessex Offshore Emergency Distress Pack

    Pains Wessex Offshore Flare Kit - Commercial SOLAS Approved

    Pains Wessex

    Current Stock:
    The Pains Wessex Offshore Flare Kit includes 4 Hand Flares, 4 Parachute Flares and 2 Lifesmoke supplied in a water proof flare container. All pyrotechnics are double date stamped with 'Date of Manufactuer' and 'Expiry Date' and SOLAS approved for use on...
  • Ireland shipping only
    Pains Wessex Coastal Distress Flare Kit

    Pains Wessex Coastal Flare Kit

    Pains Wessex

    Current Stock:
    The Pains Wessex Coastal Distress Kit is recommended craft travelling between 3 and 7 miles from shore, generally measured from a line drawn from headland to headland. Packed in a handy and clearly visible, waterproof poly bottle, these flares are...
  • Ireland shipping only
    Pains Wessex Inshore Flare Kit - 3 Year Expiration

    Pains Wessex Inshore Flare Kit - 3 Year Expiration

    Pains Wessex

    Current Stock:
    Will raise alarm and pinpoint your position. For day and night use, designed for use up to 3 miles from land. Typical use: Boating day and night, sail or power upon inland, local coastal and coastal waters, up to 3 miles from land. Pains Wessex flares...