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Crewsaver Spiral 100N Foam Lifejacket - Adult - Yellow

Special Offer
Now DKK432.63
Was DKK537.15


The Crewsaver Spiral 100N is a popular, solid foam lifejacket and the preferred option when you want a truly reliable lifejacket but you don't want the care and maintenance of an inflatable lifejacket.

The Spiral is approved ISO-12042-4 with a 100N rating which effectively states usage as follows: Suitable for swimmers and non-swimmers in Inshore & Coastal waters.

The inherent foam construction is relatively maintenance free and cannot be damaged by penetration or cuts. The collar gives added support in keeping your head clear of the water.


  • 100N foam lifejacket
  • Inherently buoyant
  • Heavy front zip 
  • Adjustable belt and buckle
  • Crotch straps included as standard
  • Strong, durable cover and fittings
  • Whistle
  • Reflective tape and detailing

What we say

If you have doubt about using Gas Inflation lifejackets then this is the solution. Though a bulkier option, it is virtually impossible to damage them and you can rest assured that they will work!


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