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Weather Handbooks

Weather Handbooks

  • Reading the Clouds MET02

    Reading the Clouds MET02

    Current Stock: 0
    Wouldn't it be useful to be able to accurately predict the weather simply by reading the clouds? Well, with this book, you can!TV forecasts, online predictions and smartphone apps are all based on the same data – a number-crunched overview of how...
  • RYA Weather Handbook (G133) RYA Weather Handbook - G133

    RYA Weather Handbook - G133


    Current Stock: 3
    RYA Weather Handbook (G133). If you are doing an RYA course or are simply seeking to gain a greater understanding of the weather, this edition of the RYA Weather Handbook (which covers the Northern and Southern Hemispheres) is full of practical and...
  • Weather Companion - Flip over Handbook MET0015 Weather Companion - Flip over Handbook MET0015, chapters

    Weather Companion - Flip-Over Handbook

    Fernhurst Books

    Current Stock: 11
    Splash-resistant flip-over cards, spiral bound. Ideal revision aid for the RYA courses, full-colour illustrations throughout. Covers weather prediction ands understanding all the terms used in the broadcast forecasts. Spiral bound. 24pp.Author Bartlett,...
  • RYA G1 Weather Hand Book

    RYA G1 Weather Hand Book

    Current Stock: 0
    A new edition of this best selling weather bookAuthor Tibbs, Chris 
  • Weather at Sea 4th Edition

    Weather at Sea 4th Edition

    Current Stock: 1
    Best selling colour-illustrated basic textbook on meteorology for yachtsmen. Set book for the RYA Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore courses. PB. 80pp.