Ireland EU online store

Antifoul - Freshwater

Antifoul - Freshwater

  • International Cruiser 250 750ml

    International Cruiser 250 Antifoul - 750ml


    Current Stock:
    International Cruiser 250 is a self polishing antifoul, resulting in consistent antifouling performance while the boat is motion. Offers year-round protection, in all but the worst fouling areas. Suitable for all areas, freshwater and sea water use and...
  • Ok in Freshwater
    International Boatguard 100 Antifoul

    International Boatguard 100 Freshwater Antifoul - 2.5L


    Current Stock:
    International Boatguard 100 is an effective low-cost antifouling, formulated to repel all kinds of fouling organism. It is quick and easy to apply, and provides comprehensive protection for a whole season. Use antifouling paints safely. Always read the...